
Fun Stuff

Eastlake Neighborhood History
From the Seattle PI:
Working lake transformed into eclectic, quirky community
Founded about 1890, Seattle's Eastlake community is one of its oldest and quirkiest neighborhoods, located between the University District and downtown, flanking the east side of Lake Union.
The Boeing Co. built its first airplane factory there in 1917. In the e ... Read More. |
Co-ops Weigh Who's Nasty or Nice
Co-ops Weigh Who's Nasty or Nice
New York Times
June 12, 2003
FOR most New Yorkers, the now notorious case of David Pullman, a cantankerous co-op tenant whose neighbors voted
to throw him out of an Upper West Side building, sounds like just another case of outlandish, only-in-New York behavior.
But for others, the tortu ...